Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival Vendor Application
If you are interested in being a vendor at the Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival, please read through the Vendor Requirements below. If you have any questions please email us at [email protected]
Below, you'll find detailed pricing information for booths. Typically, vendors are required to pay a base fee upon application. Additionally, a percentage of gross sales is remitted, based on the type of booth. The base fee is deducted from the remitted percentage. If a vendor's application is not accepted, the base fee will be refunded.
Below, you'll find detailed pricing information for booths. Typically, vendors are required to pay a base fee upon application. Additionally, a percentage of gross sales is remitted, based on the type of booth. The base fee is deducted from the remitted percentage. If a vendor's application is not accepted, the base fee will be refunded.
Mailing Address:
Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival
PO Box 118
Saint Marys, Kansas 66536
Applications must be submitted online, no later than June 24, 2024
Late applications will be charged a $25 late fee.
Applications received after June 24, 2024 will be rejected for 2024 but archived in the order received.
No new booths will be added for 2024 after June 24th unless booth space opens up. If booth space opens up after June 24th, archived applications will be considered in the order received or at the discretion of FHSF.
General Vendor Information, Rules, and Regulations
Vendor Bracelets -Each vendor booth will receive four vendor admission bracelets. Additional bracelets may be purchased for $12/weekend. Additional bracelets must be purchased before the festival. Everyone in your booth must have a bracelet on them at all times. No entry without bracelet. Bracelets may be transferred between persons in your booth. Replacement passes are not free. Additional vendor bracelets are intended for the immediate family of the booth owner for booth workers for large booths.
Note: There will be a special showing of the play without the festival on Thursday, September 26th, which vendors may attend for free with their Vendor Bracelet.
HOURS OF OPERATION- The vendor shall be required to have the booth open and available to the public, between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and the end of intermission on each date for which the booth is rented unless otherwise authorized in writing. Failure to keep the booth open between the required hours shall result in an immediate termination of the Vendor’s right to continue occupation of the booth.
SET UP / TEAR DOWN INFORMATION - For setup purposes, on show days vendors must arrive no later than 4:30 p.m. to set up. No vehicles are allowed on the paths; please plan to bring a wagon or extra help to get your items to your booth. The Festival will have a UTV available for heavier items. All booths must be set up and ready to sell by 5:00 p.m..
Final tear down begins immediately following the end of intermission on the final Sunday of the festival. Any vendor that tears down prior to this time without authorization may not be allowed to attend the following year.
Booths must be cleaned, all trash removed from the booth and placed in the festival dumpster at the top of the hill, and returned to the state in which they were rented no later than the following Sunday after the festival.
Vendors must provide their own tables, chairs and extension cords.
ELECTRICITY - One 120V outlet and one 60W light is provided free in each booth. However, vendors must declare everything they will be plugging into their booth upon registration. The power grid is limited; the festival reserves the right to limit power.
COMMAND CENTRAL & EMERGENCY INFORMATION - The "Command Central" will be located in the Gift Shop and will be the central point for all emergencies, lost persons/items and assistance for any needs. At any time vendors may ask a festival volunteer for assistance or go to the Command Central location to get help on any matter.
SECURITY - will be supplied by the festival host throughout each event from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Security will not be available at night after the park has closed. You are responsible for securing all items in and around your booth. By submitting your vendor registration you accept this responsibility. FHSF is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
TRASH - Each vendor must maintain a clean area around their booth. Cans may be emptied into festival dumpster.
INCLEMENT WEATHER - Weather cancellation decisions may be made up to one hour before an event. Cancellations will be conveyed to vendors and volunteers through group text or phone call and posted to the FHSF Facebook page. Vendors are expected to show up unless cancellation is announced. There will be no refunds for cancellations due to weather. In the event that two or more of the scheduled festival nights are cancelled due to inclement weather or mud, rain dates may be announced for a subsequent weekend. Notification will be texted, emailed, posted on the website, and on the Festival’s Facebook page. If an extra rain date weekend is needed, vendors will not strictly be required to attend but are asked to be open to the idea. Vendors are asked to please plan accordingly.
BOOTH CONTENT - Items should be homemade or handmade unless express consent is given by the FHSF in writing. Every type of item sold in vendor booths must be approved upon registration. No additional items may be added without written consent. Objects in vendor booths deemed inappropriate or substantially outside the general theme of the festival by festival staff must be immediately removed upon the request of festival staff. Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival Inc. reserves the right to reject or remove from sale any items considered unsuitable.
General Vendor Information, Rules, and Regulations (cont.)
ALCOHOL – No outside alcohol is allowed on FHSF property.
RAFFLES/DRAWINGS –For exhibitors who are planning on any type of giveaway promotion please read the law pertaining to the use of raffles in the state of Kansas.
PETS – No pets please
BUILDING ADDITIONS - All building additions must be approved by festival. If addition is initiated by the vendor, it must be paid for by the vendor.
REMITTANCE OF GROSS SALES % - Gross sales remittance should be mailed no later than two weeks after the festival ends. A $20 late fee will be applied for late remittance:
Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival
PO Box 118
Saint Marys, Kansas 66536
Please make checks payable to “FHSF”
Booth Pricing
Base Fee– Upon application, each vendor will provide a base fee payment of $100 ($25 for exhibitors). See below
At the end of the festival, the vendor will remit their gross sales percentage less the base fee they have already remitted.
Multi-Vendor Booths – booths may be shared between two or more vendors but each vendor in the booth must be treated as a separate entity. Each entity must turn in a separate application and booth fee.
Food Vendors: Food Vendors are identified as such when they operate their booth to sell one or more items of food. The base fee for food vendors is $100. After each weekend of the festival, they shall remit a percentage of 15% of gross sales less the base fee they have already remitted.
Merchandisers: Merchandise Vendors are identified as such when they operate their booth to sell anything other than food or games. The flat fee for merchandisers is $100. Merchandise vendors do not submit a percentage.
Exhibitors: Exhibitors are identified as such when they operate a booth without the intention of selling any product. Base fees for exhibitors are $25.
Game Booth Operators: Game Booth base fee is $100. All game booths or games shall remit a percentage of 20% of gross sales less the base fee they have already remitted.
Non Profits: Non Profits do not pay a base fee. If a Non Profit will be selling anything they may either remit an agreed upon nominal fee or barter volunteer time. Please provide proof of nonprofit status.
Sales Tax
Per Kansas Law, the festival is required to:
No KDA license is required if a vendor is selling no more than six times a year.
Participation in the FHSF constitutes two of those six times as each weekend is considered one fundraising “event”.
Food Vendors (information taken from Kansas Sampler Festival Website):
A Kansas food license is required except for vendors participating SIX DAYS or less a year. (This does not mean 6 events a year - for instance, if you participate in 2 events and they last two days each, then you have used up four of your six days allowed) If you have a food vending business that attends more than six days a year you must purchase a food license. To submit an application please go to this link.
Food vendors are responsible for paying their own sales tax. For information about events sales tax please see the KDOR Website.
Food vendors are responsible to make sure they meet Kansas Department of Agriculture health guidelines. Food safety information can be obtained at the Kansas Department of Agriculture's website:
Every item sold in a concession must be approved by the festival committee.
Festival observers will check vendor foods at the festival. Vendors may be asked to remove an item if it wasn't approved.
Festival Theme
The Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival is a classical-arts village festival focused on William Shakespeare, his plays, and his era in Europe. Festival buildings will be designed to imitate, Tudor, Roman, and Tuscan architectural designs. All booths should strive to conform to these themes in their decorations, their offering, and in their choice of names. Festival wares should be handmade and local unless otherwise approved in writing. The Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival is not a Renaissance festival, less a medieval anachronistic faire, and more a living contemporary celebration of classical art and culture.
Mission Statement
The Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival is a Saint Mary’s, community-based initiative focused on 1) providing outdoor Shakespearean theatre using local talent 2) educating Kansas families, and 3) creating a family-friendly, rural outdoor classical arts venue for the region.
Vision Statement
As a premier fine arts outdoor festival in the Flint Hills, we hope to help educate Kansas families by providing opportunities for them to better understand, participate in, and appreciate the fine arts - most importantly, through the live performance of the plays of William Shakespeare and through interactive workshops and works of art created by regional Kansas artists, craftsmen, and entrepreneurs.
Along the way, we would like to demonstrate how rural quality of life can be positively affected by providing semi- professional and professional level entertainment to small town audiences using local talent. To do this we will provide continuing education opportunities for our actors and directors by bringing in guest workshop instructors.
We hope to encourage tourism to our beautiful Flint Hills region by being located amidst its unique natural beauty and by showcasing it in our venue design.
At our peak our vision is to be a well-known, outdoor Kansas venue with a finished village festival and a beautiful outdoor amphitheater using regional actors, artists and craftspeople to educate and entertain.
Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival
PO Box 118
Saint Marys, Kansas 66536
Applications must be submitted online, no later than June 24, 2024
Late applications will be charged a $25 late fee.
Applications received after June 24, 2024 will be rejected for 2024 but archived in the order received.
No new booths will be added for 2024 after June 24th unless booth space opens up. If booth space opens up after June 24th, archived applications will be considered in the order received or at the discretion of FHSF.
General Vendor Information, Rules, and Regulations
Vendor Bracelets -Each vendor booth will receive four vendor admission bracelets. Additional bracelets may be purchased for $12/weekend. Additional bracelets must be purchased before the festival. Everyone in your booth must have a bracelet on them at all times. No entry without bracelet. Bracelets may be transferred between persons in your booth. Replacement passes are not free. Additional vendor bracelets are intended for the immediate family of the booth owner for booth workers for large booths.
Note: There will be a special showing of the play without the festival on Thursday, September 26th, which vendors may attend for free with their Vendor Bracelet.
HOURS OF OPERATION- The vendor shall be required to have the booth open and available to the public, between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and the end of intermission on each date for which the booth is rented unless otherwise authorized in writing. Failure to keep the booth open between the required hours shall result in an immediate termination of the Vendor’s right to continue occupation of the booth.
SET UP / TEAR DOWN INFORMATION - For setup purposes, on show days vendors must arrive no later than 4:30 p.m. to set up. No vehicles are allowed on the paths; please plan to bring a wagon or extra help to get your items to your booth. The Festival will have a UTV available for heavier items. All booths must be set up and ready to sell by 5:00 p.m..
Final tear down begins immediately following the end of intermission on the final Sunday of the festival. Any vendor that tears down prior to this time without authorization may not be allowed to attend the following year.
Booths must be cleaned, all trash removed from the booth and placed in the festival dumpster at the top of the hill, and returned to the state in which they were rented no later than the following Sunday after the festival.
Vendors must provide their own tables, chairs and extension cords.
ELECTRICITY - One 120V outlet and one 60W light is provided free in each booth. However, vendors must declare everything they will be plugging into their booth upon registration. The power grid is limited; the festival reserves the right to limit power.
COMMAND CENTRAL & EMERGENCY INFORMATION - The "Command Central" will be located in the Gift Shop and will be the central point for all emergencies, lost persons/items and assistance for any needs. At any time vendors may ask a festival volunteer for assistance or go to the Command Central location to get help on any matter.
SECURITY - will be supplied by the festival host throughout each event from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Security will not be available at night after the park has closed. You are responsible for securing all items in and around your booth. By submitting your vendor registration you accept this responsibility. FHSF is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
TRASH - Each vendor must maintain a clean area around their booth. Cans may be emptied into festival dumpster.
INCLEMENT WEATHER - Weather cancellation decisions may be made up to one hour before an event. Cancellations will be conveyed to vendors and volunteers through group text or phone call and posted to the FHSF Facebook page. Vendors are expected to show up unless cancellation is announced. There will be no refunds for cancellations due to weather. In the event that two or more of the scheduled festival nights are cancelled due to inclement weather or mud, rain dates may be announced for a subsequent weekend. Notification will be texted, emailed, posted on the website, and on the Festival’s Facebook page. If an extra rain date weekend is needed, vendors will not strictly be required to attend but are asked to be open to the idea. Vendors are asked to please plan accordingly.
BOOTH CONTENT - Items should be homemade or handmade unless express consent is given by the FHSF in writing. Every type of item sold in vendor booths must be approved upon registration. No additional items may be added without written consent. Objects in vendor booths deemed inappropriate or substantially outside the general theme of the festival by festival staff must be immediately removed upon the request of festival staff. Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival Inc. reserves the right to reject or remove from sale any items considered unsuitable.
General Vendor Information, Rules, and Regulations (cont.)
ALCOHOL – No outside alcohol is allowed on FHSF property.
RAFFLES/DRAWINGS –For exhibitors who are planning on any type of giveaway promotion please read the law pertaining to the use of raffles in the state of Kansas.
PETS – No pets please
BUILDING ADDITIONS - All building additions must be approved by festival. If addition is initiated by the vendor, it must be paid for by the vendor.
REMITTANCE OF GROSS SALES % - Gross sales remittance should be mailed no later than two weeks after the festival ends. A $20 late fee will be applied for late remittance:
Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival
PO Box 118
Saint Marys, Kansas 66536
Please make checks payable to “FHSF”
Booth Pricing
Base Fee– Upon application, each vendor will provide a base fee payment of $100 ($25 for exhibitors). See below
At the end of the festival, the vendor will remit their gross sales percentage less the base fee they have already remitted.
Multi-Vendor Booths – booths may be shared between two or more vendors but each vendor in the booth must be treated as a separate entity. Each entity must turn in a separate application and booth fee.
Food Vendors: Food Vendors are identified as such when they operate their booth to sell one or more items of food. The base fee for food vendors is $100. After each weekend of the festival, they shall remit a percentage of 15% of gross sales less the base fee they have already remitted.
Merchandisers: Merchandise Vendors are identified as such when they operate their booth to sell anything other than food or games. The flat fee for merchandisers is $100. Merchandise vendors do not submit a percentage.
Exhibitors: Exhibitors are identified as such when they operate a booth without the intention of selling any product. Base fees for exhibitors are $25.
Game Booth Operators: Game Booth base fee is $100. All game booths or games shall remit a percentage of 20% of gross sales less the base fee they have already remitted.
Non Profits: Non Profits do not pay a base fee. If a Non Profit will be selling anything they may either remit an agreed upon nominal fee or barter volunteer time. Please provide proof of nonprofit status.
Sales Tax
Per Kansas Law, the festival is required to:
- Notify the state of the dates of the festival
- Provide all vendors with sales tax packets received from the state
- Distribute the packets to all vendors
- Inform the vendors of their duty to remit the sales tax collected.
- Get the Vendor’s sales tax number or get them to sign a statement that they will remit the sales tax as instructed in the packets.
- Provide the state with a list of the actual vendors and their sales tax registration numbers if they have one.
No KDA license is required if a vendor is selling no more than six times a year.
Participation in the FHSF constitutes two of those six times as each weekend is considered one fundraising “event”.
Food Vendors (information taken from Kansas Sampler Festival Website):
A Kansas food license is required except for vendors participating SIX DAYS or less a year. (This does not mean 6 events a year - for instance, if you participate in 2 events and they last two days each, then you have used up four of your six days allowed) If you have a food vending business that attends more than six days a year you must purchase a food license. To submit an application please go to this link.
Food vendors are responsible for paying their own sales tax. For information about events sales tax please see the KDOR Website.
Food vendors are responsible to make sure they meet Kansas Department of Agriculture health guidelines. Food safety information can be obtained at the Kansas Department of Agriculture's website:
Every item sold in a concession must be approved by the festival committee.
Festival observers will check vendor foods at the festival. Vendors may be asked to remove an item if it wasn't approved.
Festival Theme
The Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival is a classical-arts village festival focused on William Shakespeare, his plays, and his era in Europe. Festival buildings will be designed to imitate, Tudor, Roman, and Tuscan architectural designs. All booths should strive to conform to these themes in their decorations, their offering, and in their choice of names. Festival wares should be handmade and local unless otherwise approved in writing. The Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival is not a Renaissance festival, less a medieval anachronistic faire, and more a living contemporary celebration of classical art and culture.
Mission Statement
The Flint Hills Shakespeare Festival is a Saint Mary’s, community-based initiative focused on 1) providing outdoor Shakespearean theatre using local talent 2) educating Kansas families, and 3) creating a family-friendly, rural outdoor classical arts venue for the region.
Vision Statement
As a premier fine arts outdoor festival in the Flint Hills, we hope to help educate Kansas families by providing opportunities for them to better understand, participate in, and appreciate the fine arts - most importantly, through the live performance of the plays of William Shakespeare and through interactive workshops and works of art created by regional Kansas artists, craftsmen, and entrepreneurs.
Along the way, we would like to demonstrate how rural quality of life can be positively affected by providing semi- professional and professional level entertainment to small town audiences using local talent. To do this we will provide continuing education opportunities for our actors and directors by bringing in guest workshop instructors.
We hope to encourage tourism to our beautiful Flint Hills region by being located amidst its unique natural beauty and by showcasing it in our venue design.
At our peak our vision is to be a well-known, outdoor Kansas venue with a finished village festival and a beautiful outdoor amphitheater using regional actors, artists and craftspeople to educate and entertain.
Any vendor related questions may be emailed to [email protected]